How to Make A Great First Impression in Business
How To Make a Great First Impression In Business

Turning Heads
First impressions matter – a lot! While studies don’t agree on one specific number – they all agree that you have less than 30 seconds to impress someone. Some studies even state that you have only seven seconds before someone makes a judgement. You’ve got a lot to pack into those seven seconds to make your impression a positive one. Here are a few tips on how to do just that.
Show confidence in your body language.
Your body language speaks volumes. It can help you or it can hinder you. When you’re nervous, it shows in the way you’re standing or what you’re doing with your hands. The same goes for when you’re confident. Standing tall and making eye contact with shows confidence. Think about someone like Oprah – when she walks onto a stage or into a room, she commands it. It’s not just because she’s a prominent and well-known speaker, it’s because she goes on stage like she owns the place. This can cover many aspects of your business lifestyle. If you need a quick boost of confidence before an important presentation, a big meeting, or any time really, take a power pose. One great power pose is the Wonder Woman – your hands on your hips, legs out in a V shape, shoulders and back straight, and chin slightly up. Stay there for a few moments thinking about how confident you are. Try it out for yourself and you’ll see how quickly it impacts your mood.
Be aware of the way you speak and the words you use.
Speak clearly and with an even tone. There is nothing worse than being the dominating loud, boorish person in the room. On the other hand, being too quiet tends to give the impression you are passive and weak. Of course, we all have little language quirks, from regional slang to overusing filler words. Pay close attention to the way you speak, as these things can make a negative first impression. Slang in general should be avoided in professional settings especially when you’re dealing with someone in a position above yours. It’s fine among colleagues and in more relaxed settings like an office party or out of office retreat. Using filler words such as ‘um’ or ‘so’ or filling in gaps with ‘like’ or ‘you know’ will make you seem less knowledgeable. Pay special attention to your usage of the word ‘like’. This is one word that has infiltrated our daily speech and we don’t realize how often we use it. If you need time to compose your thoughts try a simple pause or restate the question. If you’re asked, ‘Can you tell me about a time you solved a problem?’, you could reply with ‘One time I solved a problem well was…’ This gives you time to think without saying, ‘um, a problem was…’, and instantly makes you sound more professional.
Put your phone away.

In professional settings, it’s simply good business practice. If you’re in a meeting fiddling on your phone is at the very least distracting to others and indicates to the team that you’re not fully committed to the project. In most professional settings, being on your phone equals rudeness. It indicates you don’t care about what’s happening and that you are not fully engaged. It doesn’t matter if you’re the world’s best multi-tasker and you think you can easily listen while texting. It comes across as rude and creates a negative first impression. Unless you need your phone to demonstrate something, it should not be in your hand. Putting your phone on silent will ensure you won’t be tempted to check it when it vibrates.
Dress to impress.
One of the main ways you present yourself starts with your attire. Know the appropriate way to dress for the situation so you won’t be underdressed or overdressed. If you’re going for a job interview, think about the type of company you’re interviewing with. Startups usually have a more relaxed dress code, while corporate jobs usually require business casual. If you’re not sure, business casual is always an appropriate choice. You don’t have to spend a lot of money or go out and buy an entirely new wardrobe. What’s important is that your clothes are clean, fit well and are properly pressed without wrinkles. Invest in a work-appropriate bag or backpack as well. As for shoes, they simply need to be professional. A good rule of thumb is no open-toed shoes, sleeveless dresses, or clothes that are baggy. When in doubt, go with a pair of black pants and a blouse paired with conservative shoes and a simple bag. For more on this important topic don’t miss this IG post.
This is a common mistake. When you’re nervous you may tend to speak too much as you try to avoid any awkward pauses in the conversation. Learn to slow down and listen to other people. You’ve heard the phrase you have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak. Remember to give your full attention and above all, do not interrupt. By interrupting or talking over your someone you are simply shutting down your active listening and closing the lines of communication just to hear your own opinion. Giving the other person a chance to finish their full thought, with a slight nod of your head before you respond shows you were actively hearing and listening to them.
Ask questions
It’s no secret that people love to talk about themselves. The easiest way to another person’s heart is to be interested in them. Ask open ended questions when you meet them; how are you? How is your day? How long have you worked here? What did you do this past weekend? Don’t over-do it, let the questions come naturally as the conversation flows. Something powerful happens when you ask questions. Not only does it help the conversation to flow, it also gives you an opportunity to show genuine interest.
Make eye contact and smile.
Making eye contact shows you are confident and sure of yourself. Avoiding eye contact when can make you seem insecure, untrustworthy and shy. Putting a smile on your face makes you look and feel confident, positive and energetic. Smiling may seem obvious, and sometimes we forget a smile can communicate more than words can say.
My Pet Peeve – Don’t Be Late!
Being on time is simply good behavior and is non-negotiable. Do not be late! Being late equals a bad first impression and is one of the hardest mistakes to recover from. When in doubt, show up early. Being early can also help you relax and get yourself in a good, positive frame of mind. If you’re rushing to get to your appointment you won’t be able to dedicate 100% of your energy to staying focused and confident, speaking with authority, and nailing your first impression.
The next time you have an appointment, meeting someone for the first time, presenting to a new group of people, or have a meeting with a superior, practice these tips.
Making a first impression isn’t only about how you come across face to face. Your business brand also makes a first impression.
Your potential clients are wondering if the two of you will get along, whether you can help them live a better life, whether they want to associate their identity with your brand and ultimately whether they can trust you and respect you.
Your marketing collateral in many cases, is the first point of contact your clients have with you and it’s where those first impressions begin to take shape in a huge way.
We help create a strong visual impact through beautifully crafted photos – photos that help you stand out from your competition and show the business brand that is you.
Contact us at (702) 448-4998 to find out more about creating an effective first impression for you, your business, or your company brand.