Is Your Headshot Costing You Business?
Do You Know Your Headshot May Be Costing You That New Job or Your Ideal Client?

Which Means Your Headshot May Be Costing You Money.
Making the time to invest in a high quality, professional portrait or headshot is a smart investment in your personal brand. There is so much more that goes into creating a headshots than most people realize and a lot more riding on your photo than you think.
Now that social media has taken on such an important role in promotion our professional self, having an influential, impact-making headshot is more essential than ever.
Every social media platform requires an image, and a good headshot will have a far-reaching web presence. Plus, you can use it in more traditional ways like on a company website, marketing collateral and other promotional outlets.

Have you ever Googled your name and looked at the images that come up?
Would you like other people, important people to see those images as a representation of you?
The simple truth is people are making judgment on if they want to do business with you or not in as little as 2 seconds.
A professional photographer that specializes in business headshots knows how to position you, how to use lighting to get the most flattering image, how to pose you and most importantly how to bring out your personality.
First Impression – You’ve heard it before – first impressions are hard to change. Clients and companies research businesses and brands before they choose to interact with them. If they are hesitant or don’t like what they see, it is unlikely they will spend more time considering you.
Conveys Professionalism – A strong, professional photograph of you creates the sense that you are established and serious about your career. If you have invested your time, money and talent into your business, why would you sacrifice your potential by using a poor image of yourself.
Potential clients, collaborators, investors you don’t know you personally are more likely to feel you have reached a level in your career, making them more likely to agree to that first meeting.
Puts a Face to Your Name – You become familiar. People are no longer view a business or company. When they see your headshot photo, they are now connecting with a real person.
If you were to hire a real estate agent and had the choice to contact an agent with a photo or one without a picture, you would more than likely contact the agent with the photo. Being seen as a real person validates you and adds an additional level of communication between you and your target audience.
Shows your Personality – It’s so important to give people an idea of your personality to start building trust. What do you want to show about yourself to your ideal client?
A great headshot will offer people an insight into your personality before they meet you. A smile shows you are friendly and approachable, whereas a serious look conveys your determination and tenacity. Your expression should match your personality and the brand message you want to portray.

Cross-Platform Media Usage – Business is so much more than just a single website. If you’re not on social media you may be seriously lagging behind your competition. Today, social media is one of the first places people go to research a person or business. You even have clients contacting business via direct messenger apps rather than picking up the phone or sending an email.
In addition to your ‘About’ page and profile on websites, your LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram are just a few platforms where a headshot is key. A modern headshot supports and enhances the skills and experience on your profile page, making you stand out from the rest.
Stay Top of Mind – Seeing your face in a headshot photo reminds business contacts who you are if they met you while networking, at a conference or during some other business or social event. This cue makes it more likely they will accept a request when you reach out.
Creates Relevancy – A current headshot gives people an idea of what you look like now. There is nothing worse than having an outdated photo! It creates an immediate disconnect when people meet you in person. It really isn’t good to surprise people in this way. It sends a message of inauthenticity.

Professional headshots are not just for C Level Executives anymore. You want photos that make other people what to have a conversation with you and get to know you.
With an amazing headshot, your professionalism and unique personality will shine through, opening the doors to new opportunity and business.
Bottom line, headshots are an investment in your brand, your perceived value and reflect the quality your clients expect you to deliver.
Hopefully, this post sheds some light as to what goes into professional headshots and why hiring a pro who specializes in photographing business people can make all the difference.
Are you thinking of making the leap and elevating your brand with professional photography?
If so, give us a call at (702) 448-4998 and let’s start planning your personal branding session today!